The Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc or BVSC) or "Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine" (BVetMed) is a bachelor's degree for studies in veterinary science in the United Kingdom and some other countries. In the US, these degrees are equivalent to DVM/VMD degrees. They are not called "doctorate" degrees due to nomenclature differences among degree designations between the US and Canada and the UK. In the UK, a doctorate degree designation is reserved for advanced academic degrees resulting in a thesis publication and dissertation, as in a PhD.
It is generally a 5-year course. (Cambridge Veterinary School's course lasts 6 years and the degree awarded is a VetMB). Some universities will award the students a BSc after the first 3 years, and the BVSc after the final 2 years.
The degree is generally required for becoming a veterinarian in the countries where it is awarded.
In the United Kingdom, there are currently seven instiutions where Veterinary medicine can be studied:
The last of these Universities started to run the course in 2006 and the graduates of 2011 are the first to have received the MRCVS acknowledgement required for employment as a vet.
Although institution choice in this specialised Bachelor's Degree makes no difference in becoming a practicing Vet, most of the universities have unique titles: